Credit Card Icon
A simple iconography project that effectively shows my creative process from start to finish.
Pencil Sketch
Due to limitations at the time I didn’t have access to any formal design tools, due to this I began my creative process in its truest form with hand sketches. After selecting a few sketches I liked I then created digital sketches in Apple’s Freeform app.
Finally receiving access to adobe I was able to formally design the icon, receiving feedback from my coworkers I was able to focus my design more on highlighting the mag bar and chip. After staring at my credit card for way too long I realized what I was missing, rounded edges. While this is not extremely common in the icon family it did help to convey the meaning behind the icon.
I was also tasked with adding this icon to a preexisting icon font as well as creating and troubleshooting icon libraries in several programs, these include Figma, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe XD. These libraries feature each icon present in the font as well as the name used to identify and match the icons.